Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not Teasing, Just a Lack of Free Time....

Yes, number one and number three are
the same shot, just edited differently.



Teri said...

What ever could be taking up your time? HEHE
Look at those little newborn wrinkles!!

gluten free girl in a pasta world said...

Thought about you last night while I was awake...and wondering if you were awake with your little one.
Prayed over your family!
Hope you are well.

Majorsfam said...

Thank you for your prayers! Ædith is almost 1 week post op from her second heart surgery. I will, eventually, give a long update on her birth story and what not. Things are so crazy, and it's not something I can type up during one nap time. About to post video of our 5 year old's baptism!!! It's loading onto youtube first!

Majorsfam said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont know how I missed this post! Look at her! Sweet as can be!!! Congrats Alexi!!! So exciting <3