Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's interesting, that's all.....

I guess sometimes, you don't realize how much you've
grown, until you see something that puts your
maturity on the forefront.

When I married my Marine, I had NO idea
what challenges I'd face without having my family nearby.
I love my family!  I hate living so far away from them!
But moving around and not always having my husband
home to help when a challenge arises has certainly
made me grow up.
No, I don't think I'm more mature/grown than my sisters
who live back home.  They have been thrown into
their own situations that have made them grow.
And they are REMARKABLE women!
I can't fathom some of the things they've been through,
coming out on the other side with beautiful battle wounds
and a stronger, victorious heart to show!

I'm saying that it's clear to me that marrying my Marine
and living this lifestyle is what it took for me to grow up.
Not being able to call my family for help when trouble arises
is something I hadn't given much thought until now.

I think for many people, moving out of your comfort
zone and into the unknown, forces independence,
which, in time, yields  maturity.
I still have so much growing up to do!
But I'm glad I can look at something that's
pretty negative (raising little ones so far from my family)
and see something so positive (growing a second wing so I can fly alone).

I will say this: as nice as it is to be able to throw on my big
girl pants and face the world, one mini-disaster at a time,
I take full advantage of the moments I can run in a corner
to cry and hide!
Just ask any of my friends/family who have been
there when one of my kids, or my younger sister, got hurt.
If there's another capable adult around, I crumble!
But if I'm the only one there, the big girl pants stay on!!!!!!


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