Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just a little something for now....



Majorsfam said...

Ædith is signing "I love you" in the first photo.

Teri said...

what beautiful photos!

Loree said...

Absolutely beautiful!! I saw that she was signing "I love you". That is so amazing!! You have such a beautiful and amazing family.

gluten free girl in a pasta world said...

I have been so tied up in my life, that I hadn't seen your sweet baby! Congrats!
And, I agree with your "stranger" comment above.
Ours started when my MIL wanted my daughter to hug and kiss every relative at a family reunion when she was 3! UGH! you hold to it, sister.
You know what's best.
Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Wow...4 kids Alexi! And 3 of them girls! I miss them all so much. The boys still ask about Khi and Ani! I cant believe how big Lo is!! Beautiful <3