Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Undress From the Waist Down And.....

I have an OB appointment today.
I'll have one every week until Ædith's birthday.
I swore, just a few weeks ago, that I wouldn't let
anyone check my cervix at these appointments
unless I was in labor or there was concern.

I HATE the weekly appointments at the end of a pregnancy.
Doctors are so quick to want to check your cervix,
even if you have zero sign of labor or pre-labor.
And in every pregnancy I've had, getting checked
has never put me into labor or brought a birthday any sooner.
It's just more of a hassle.

"Just Undress From the Waist Down And have
a seat on the table.  Here's an annoying paper sheet
to place over your lap so you feel more 'comfortable'.
The doctor may or may not be right in.  You just sit there,
with your butt sticking out, facing the door that will open
at any time, and eventually, the doctor that you barely
know will come in and find out what's going on with
your cervix."

I'll tell you what is going on with my cervix.
It's fairly irritated already, because I've been contracting,
and my daughter likes to turn her head side to side right
on it.  Yup, this is my first pregnancy, that I can
feel, internally, where my cervix is.  Ædith has made
me very aware of that.  So, it's irritated, my entire abdomen
is in constant discomfort, laying on my back hurts pretty
bad, and I've gained a lot of weight; making that paper
sheet a joke of a "cover-up" for my "comfort".

My blood pressure is fabulously low, my weight is
"right on track" for how far along I am, and my urine
didn't freak out the folks in your lab.
Must you really make me lay down so you can push
on the top of my belly with one hand and apply
"pressure" on my irritated cervix with the other?

Sigh, thanks for the complimentary liner to catch
the goop you had to use to irritate my insides even more.
Unless I'm 4cm or more, please don't tell me.
I don't want to think that these last two weeks
of ridiculous discomfort have been for nothing.
So don't discourage me!

Seriously, when I've been in labor,
never once has a doctor had to push on the top of my
uterus (from the outside) in order to check my cervix.
It will naturally be lower and easier for you to irritate.

Sigh...... I'll be ASKING for them to irritate me today!
I almost went in to L&D last night.  Contractions were
5 minutes apart and pretty painful.  I somehow managed
to fall asleep for a couple hours here and there.
Still contracting, but they are further apart, for now.
Matthew won't be with me at the doctor today,
and he would like to know how my cervix is doing.
"Irritated" isn't the answer he was looking for.
Hmmmmm, maybe they can write it down and seal it
in an envelope for me to give to him.  I really don't want
to know....... really! 



Anonymous said...

I cant believe you are already down to the 1 week appointments! Who will be with you this time when you deliver? Just Matthew?

Teri said...

The checks are silly since they tell you nothing before labor starts anyways. I was 3cm for 3 whole weeks with Liesie. Never had any checks at all with the younger 2 not even during labor. Are you not planning on a homebirth anymore?
I can't believe how close you are getting! So excited for you!!

Majorsfam said...

They went ahead and checked, and I'm glad they did.... updating with a new blog post once the kiddos are in bed. Teri, it's illegal for a midwife to attend a homebirth here, and because of some risk factors, I did not want to do it without a medical professional on hand. We have a doula, though, and we plan on as natural a birth as possible. I'm hoping to labor at home for a while.

Majorsfam said...

Ambrosia, Matthew has a lot of mini trips coming up. We're praying he'll be in town. Other than him, we've hired a Doula this time! Her name is Sharon and she's great! Matthew is definitely on board with having as natural a birthing process as possible. We watched "The Business of Being Born" together and he wants me to have that chemical flow/bond that a Mama gets robbed of with the use of things like pitocin and epidurals!

Teri said...

oh! yah I wouldn't purposely do it without a pro even without risk factors. I hope you do get to go as natural as you want thou! I don't know what it is like with drugs but it is an amazing without...a definite natural high!